Master of Arts in Fine Arts Lucerne Events Augmented Authorship
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Augmented Authorship
20 — 21 May 2021

Today, digital tools have shifted the relationship between work and author in the implementation of artistic strategies. The images that surround us are no longer subject to authorial control but are autonomous by-products and evidence of our role as communicative participants in contemporary digital society. The online symposium will examine the role of current digital technologies in shaping new forms of authorship and will discuss the capabilities and limitations of this kind of augmented authorship.


In two panels, leading artists, experts and theorists in the field will discuss methods of digital work in which the role of the author is – partly or entirely – expanded and will examine the capacity of artistic practices to investigate the mechanisms of our fragile digital society.


The online symposium was organized by the Master of Arts in Fine Arts, Critical Image Practices Major at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Lucerne School of Art and Design, together with the HeK (House of Electronic Arts Basel).

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